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Exclusive Treatments for a wonderful wellness journey

Private Massage therapist in portofino


Let yourself be enveloped in a bubble of relaxation  with the ancestral Ayurveda Massage, chase away mental and muscular tension with a luxurious Deep Tissue Massage,  find out all the specialty massages available:


Yoga Classes

One Breath, one Movement.

Let your body and your mind feel light as the wind, after a private  fully personalized yoga class.

Experience ease and freedom with a  slow paced  Hatha class at the seaside or feel the power of  dynamic and challenging Vinyasa Flows.

Yoga in portofino and cinque terre
face massage in Italy

Signature Facial Massage

Nothing is more relaxing for me than a well done facial massage, that is why i created my own! 

This Facial massage is the result of 10+ Years of experience as a beauty therapist and includes connective tissue releasing techniques in combination with stimulating Japanese inspired movements.

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